I do think Watchtower uses the statistics and search phrases used in the app, JWorg and their online library to see which topics are researched and might need to be addressed.
what i don't understand:.
with a app on your cellphone governments can follow you continue.
is this - in country's with a different type of democraty - not a big security risk for the user of the app???.
I do think Watchtower uses the statistics and search phrases used in the app, JWorg and their online library to see which topics are researched and might need to be addressed.
what i don't understand:.
with a app on your cellphone governments can follow you continue.
is this - in country's with a different type of democraty - not a big security risk for the user of the app???.
That's not how any of that works.
If (a) government(s) want to identify JW in their population by that method, they need either
The latter is ridiculously time consuming and expensive, the former might be remotely possible for the USA but hardly for anyone else.
Of course, if a government were to confiscate an individual's phone and find the JW app, that's a different story. But that's hardly a scalable method of mass identification of JW.
Interestingly though, Watchtower might be able to track users who have installed the app if they would build that possibility into their app. Right now the app doesn't seem to be able to send some data back to Watchtower; the app doesn't have any permissions from the phone's operating system...
the guardian (uk), monday, march 26, 2018. mps are demanding government action after more than 100 people contacted the guardian with allegations of child sexual abuse and other mistreatment in jehovah’s witness communities in the uk.. “i am extremely concerned, but not surprised, by the allegations of child abuse within the jehovah’s witness movement.
whenever there is a closed society with an inherent power imbalance, the potential for abuse is there,” said the labour mp sarah champion.. she said she would be raising the issue in parliament and demanding that the government take actionto make sure all children were safe.. alex chalk, the conservative mp for cheltenham, said he planned to raise the issue in parliament, saying it was not just an historical issue but an ongoing child safety concern.. “my instinctive thoughts are that the sheer numbers and seriousness of the allegations coming forward is concerning ... if even half the allegations coming to light are true then it’s clear that an entrenched culture of cover-up and flawed in-house investigations continues to this day,” chalk said.. champion said she was concerned that victims had to report their abuse to elders, without independent scrutiny.. she also expressed concern that abuse claims can only be taken before a committee for investigation if there were two witnesses to it.
“abuse happens in the shadows, so to ask for a second witness is ludicrous and effectively prevents reporting,” champion said.. read full article:
Tomorrow evening the Dutch parliament will discuss if the current WT smoke and mirror show is good enough to address the abuse issue.
My guess is MPs will demand the minister of justice to ramp up his efforts even more...
in the most recent circuit assembly there was a lot about porn and warning against porn.
even warning against looking at swim wear adverts!
so i was wondering, is porn really such an issue in the wt?.
Religions are ultimately all about control and obedience.
The best way to control a person is to control his basic needs and desires.
Therefore most religions have dietary restrictions, restrictions on dress and groom, and restrictions regarding sexual desires and behaviors.
Those talks aren't really about porn, they're about controlling people and making them obedient to the leaders.
what splain does in his talk and chart illustration is make the leap that a generation can have two groups.
and in this case the two groups span more than 108 years.
but no where in scripture is there ever a notion that a generation has two groups.
(Exodus 1:6) 6 Eventually Joseph died, and also all his brothers and all that generation.
We can also apply this to the JW idea of the anointed generation:
Eventually F.W. Franz died, and also all his 'anointed' brothers and all that 'overlapping generation'. But fuck! Still no Armageddon :-(
what splain does in his talk and chart illustration is make the leap that a generation can have two groups.
and in this case the two groups span more than 108 years.
but no where in scripture is there ever a notion that a generation has two groups.
My two cents on possible future new light, when Armageddon obviously failed to materialize within the overlapping generation:
In Mat. 24 Jesus first mentions 'this generation'. He continues to say that those days will be like the days of Noah.
The myth of Noah claims Noah was 600 years old when the Flood came. Or in other words, 'the days of Noah' - Noah's generation - were about 600 years long.
Clearly Jesus referred to Noah's 600 year long days to indicate that 'this generation' could last a couple of hundred years. Still within a single 'day' for Jehovah, right?
Now I think my idea makes a lot more sense than the current convoluted Splanation. I don't believe either one though :-D
New light like that would buy the GB quite some time. 2514 here we come!
...which seems to be jw lingo for 'we try to appear cooperative, but in reality we're stonewalling and stalling until this blows over'.
english translation of the news item.
topic on dutch exjw reddit.
Today the Dutch House of Representatives would discuss the JW abuse issue in the General Assembly.
Sadly during the preceding discussion a person jumped of the public gallery in an attempt to commit suicide. (This was not related to JW. See )
The House decided to reschedule all remaining debates, including the debate about JW.
...which seems to be jw lingo for 'we try to appear cooperative, but in reality we're stonewalling and stalling until this blows over'.
english translation of the news item.
topic on dutch exjw reddit.
...which seems to be JW lingo for 'we try to appear cooperative, but in reality we're stonewalling and stalling until this blows over'
the outline number 44 from this year’s regional assembly states:.
la organización de las naciones unidas es en realidad una falsificación del reino mesiánico, y es una ofensa para dios.. .
translation: “the united nations organisation is actually a counterfeit of the messianic kingdom, and it is offensive to god.”.
Looking through that declaration of human rights it appears to me that JW beliefs and practices actually are in conflict with many of the points.
Not the least of them being "everyone has the right to live" -- whereas JW believe no human being has the right to live and everyone deserves to die.
@Never A JW,
If you stick around here long enough you'll learn that this is Poopie style.
Many have tried and failed before you to make Poopie add some context to posts.
Well, there has been major improvement as most of Poopies post can be understood nowadays. They used to be completely incoherent.
But that's the charm of forums like these: everyone can participate at their own level and volition.